Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Rough Morning

 I just found out her bloodwork still has not changed (0-70).  
  I'm so frustrated and upset.  I found old bloodwork that said that she had neutrofils levels at 2500 at nine months.  Also it said her levels were 700 just two weeks ago - april 12.  There was another set I found from several months ago that said her levels were 900.
Morgan's new blood draws have all shown so far that there has been no change in her neutrophil levels.  I just got a call them saying that yesterday's blood draw was 64.
I got copies of the old cbc's from upa and found out that there are at least three occasions that Morgan has had neutrophil levels over 500 in the past.  In August of last year (at 9 months) her counts were 2500, which is well in the normal range.  It also shows that her level was at 793 on April 12, 2012.  I told the hematologist this yesterday and he said "At this point we can probably  assume she doesn't have the congenital and that we are looking at AIN, cyclic or transient."  He said we just need to see what all the results show in the next few weeks.
I'm having a rough morning for some reason.  These low levels this week make me keep wondering if it is congenital. 
We find out at by the end of this week what the results of her antibody tests are.  A possible explanation for the low levels is that she has the Autoimmune type.  This is where the body kind of has an allergy to her neutrophils and are killing them.  This is actually not such a bad thing bc it always goes away by the time they are 5 years old at the latest.  Also, the injections can help in the meantime.  The antibody test might tell us this.  It has a high rate of false negatives.
Morgan has been on bactrim a lot in the past and I was on it a lot when I was nursing her.  This can also cause neutropenia.  I gave her two doses last weekend for the sore in her mouth because I was desperate.  I am wondering if that has anything to do with this.
Pray that I have a peace about this and that I can rest in what the doctor said.  We are so thankful that Morgan is in a great mood and eating well.

1 comment:

  1. Karin don't get down about the counts. Bactrim associated neutropenia has been shown to last from 3-23 days with a mean of 8. That means that your treatment last weekend could still be causing the low counts now and for a couple weeks. In addition neutrophils only last 3-5 days which means it will take several weeks to build up the #s. Its hard but plan on it taking 5 weeks to make conclusions. Don't get down by these early counts.
