Well, it seems like once we get somewhat used to our routine, a new challenge comes our way. A few days ago, Morgan started getting very fussy and did not want to be put down, even to get her diaper changed. I looked in her mouth with a flashlight and sure enough...I could see one of her bottom incisors right below the surface. I called our pediatrician's office since it seemed like nothing was working. I don't think she believed me that Morgan was teething already but she recommended
teething tablets. These little pills are amazing and the other thing that seems to calm her down. It is an all-natural homeopathic remedy which sounds pretty "granolay" but whatever works, right?

Morgan is learning to do lots of things with her new little tooth including biting her Pop Pop's fingers and eating applesauce mixed with rice cereal. She is quite the trooper when it comes to eating and is opening her mouth better for each bite.
The teething tablets not only calm her down but seem to help her sleep as well. Here she enjoys dozing on Daddy after he comes in from work. No matter what mood she is in, she always greets Jeremy with a big smile when he gets home.
Hey Karin!
ReplyDeleteWhere can you buy those teething tablets? I saw that you linked to Amazon, but can you buy them anywhere like Target or Wal-Mart? Cooper is teething right now (7 mos) and it seems to be harder on her than I remember it being with Kendall. I thought maybe we would try those. It makes me laugh though that they are called "teething pellets." :)
Try Walgreens. I actually ordered some on Amazon and it said they wouldn't be in for 3-5 days. We were getting desperate so in the meantime my mom found them at Walgreens. I hope they help!
ReplyDeleteThanks! I will give them a try!